Bifteck Kawamura

極 Great flavor with peace of mind and safety. Information disclosure and advanced techniques of the finest producers in the world

What’s Individual Identification Number for Cattle?

It compiles information about production history of cattle a database in 10-digits number

In 13th year of Heisei (2001), a cow infected with BSE was found for the first time in Japan. This brought to the publication of "Special Measures Law concerning administration and communication of information for Individual Identification of Cattle ", of which purpose is to secure the trust towards safety of beefs. By this law, all cattle bred in Japan are due to be earmarked with an ear tag printed 10 digits Individual Identification Number and with this Individual Identification Number, the gender, class of cattle, in the case of beef cattle, the way of breeding, even slaughter are recorded in database.

The same number when being a beef

Since the 16th of December, 2004, every thing from the process (dressed carcass → sub primal → dressed beef) to the arrival at consumers has come to be administered with this Individual Identification Number. In short, consumers are able to trace back all the process of production/logistics of beefs. Thus, it enabled consumers the traceability (obtaining the track record of production, logistics) and in addition, it's expected to heighten consumers' trust towards beefs.

Search indidual identification number

Registered Individual Identification Numbers can be searched through a service provided by the National Livestock Breeding Center.

img:Individual Identification Number Information Search Service

Individual Identification Number Information Search Service

img:Individual Identification Number Information Search Service Mobile Version

Individual Identification Number Information Search Service Mobile Version

At Bifteck Kawamura, in order to provide authentic Kobe Beef and peace of mind, we display a portion of the Individual Identification Numbers for cows we have purchased in the past.